Wednesday, 27 April 2011

second post

I have made a little progress and at least changed my front page (in between the masterchef final - first I have seen , quite humbling though it is amazing what can be acheived under presure I have found. About to declare a new date for next supper club for anyone reading (can't be anyone on this yet!) after meeting the local environmental health officer to get the low down over a bottle of cuddy bridge apple juice ( very refreshing). They will be happy with a double sink/hand basin pretty much before the next supper club. Also I need some time to set all this up so I can move beyond facebook and create a platform for more people to access . I have decided after some research the blog is the way to go for now unless some whizz kid turns up to help me then I will have both. I am also thinking about the next menu and have some ideas but feel I want a little space to work on that.

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